For good order, we have XXII from streamingeagle88
XXII (22 Century Group) A tobacco related company that has the IP to vary nicotine (addictive component) in cigarettes. All major tobacco companies need to license their patents and offer VLN (very low nicotine) products. Pharma implications too and FDA pressures to regulate (lessen) nicotine. A $30m company disrupting an $80B industry. Read their news release of 10 June 2013 to stimulate the imagination. The stockchart is starting to inhale the future.
Should I keep pumping my XXII? Or is it against the rules. Until I'm scolded: Reportedly a major tobacco company spent $300m in a failed attempt to produce low nicotine, acceptable flavored cigarettes. XXII has the IP to reduce nicotine and is selling their product for research in the US and as a retail product in the Benelux countries. If XXII had a market cap of $300m the share price would be near $8.00. Today $1.05 (and rising). Pique your interest? Pumping makes me feel dirty...... but good. Take a look.
Don't worry, streaming, introducing this and providing info isn't really pumping. It really took off the last four days (click thumbnail below), congrats.
Up another 20%, it has nearly doubled in a month and only a little less than that since you mentioned it here a week ago. Congrats, Streamingeagle!
I think it's also featured in the How to find big stock newsletter, that guy is on a roll.
The extreme test of my "new found clairvoyance" will be IOC. I am loaded to the gills with Jan 65 and Jan 100 calls both 2014 and 2015. This may prompt some replies.
And for the record in my opinion XXII is just starting its move into the limelight. That belief is why I submitted 22nd Century Group to this critical audience. And the author of HTFBS deserves all credit as with DSNY.
As per this morning, XXII is on the SHU list at $1.09, albeit the first one without an accompanying SHU Seeking Alpha article on it (no time for that at the moment, and a good intro already exists). I did read-up on it and I am quite convinced there is huge potential here at relatively modest risk. It's already off to the races this afternoon. Thanks Streamingeagle for bringing this one to our attention.
Looks like a great opportunity. Thanks Streaming.
Well, streaming, your tip XXII is rocking again, congrats! After studying the company over the weekend, I advised to buy Tuesday morning at the open at $1.09 and we're up 28% already at $1.40 and the week isn't even over yet. Amazing stuff..

I been waiting an entire lifetime for my reputation to get from zero to 1. What does it take? Beats me. No new ideas until that magic moment. Hope you'll understand.
The gods have spoken. Thank you. Thank you. I am now a SHU in.