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Quote:When Joan Crawford died, her rival Bette Davis intoned: “You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.”
 Yes, Jeremy Corbyn is still here and he’s still right about everything | Barbara Ellen | Opinion | The Guardian

Quote:A petty criminal was convicted of the murder in July 1989 but acquitted on appeal, clearing the field for a multitude of conspiracy theories involving shadowy forces ranging from the South African security services to rogue Swedish police with far-right sympathies, the Kurdish separatists of the PKK and the CIA. Hans Melander, the chief investigator, said that over the years the case had generated more than 22,000 leads and files occupying 250 metres of shelves. More than 10,000 people had been questioned since 1986, he said, and 134 had claimed responsibility for the murder. The murder weapon was never recovered despite police testing 788 revolvers over the years, Melander said, adding that the marks on the two 357 Magnum bullets found at the scene – one that killed Palme, and a second that injured his wife, who died in 2018 – were so faint “we can’t even prove they were fired by the same gun”.
Swedish prosecutors close Olof Palme murder inquiry after 34 years | World news | The Guardian

Quote:The benefits of routine exercise have been well documented. Blaring headlines tout weight loss, muscle gain, lower cholesterol, improved mental health, sharper focus, stronger bones and a stronger heart, among other improvements. But a new study has shown that exercise may actually be more important to happiness than wealthIn a large survey of 1.2 million Americans, researchers from Yale and Oxford universities have shown that people who exercise are markedly happier than people who don’t — even if they have less income..
What makes people happier than money? Yale and Oxford scientists have the answer | TheHill

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2020 - by admin - 03-28-2020, 11:24 PM
RE: 2020 - by admin - 03-29-2020, 11:46 AM

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