02-09-2017, 03:00 AM
We have a couple of new articles out on the flaring up of the eurozone crisis
- Greek debt is simply unsustainable, even the IMF says so.
- The only way to have a chance of defusing this time bomb is to exchange debt relief for the IMF reform program but politics and discord are preventing this.
- There is a toxic mix brewing with other countries on the brink and looming political instability and discord within the ECB.
If You Kick The Can Long Enough, It Becomes A Bomb | Seeking Alpha
- Italy's economy isn't expected to return to its 2007 output level until the mid 2020s.
- While Italy would benefit from an Italian Margaret Thatcher, there are few good options left to save its economy.
- Not even leaving the euro, now openly discussed, is without problems.
- Meanwhile, debt and banking problems persist and the risks abound.
Will Italy's Lost Decades End With A Bang? | Seeking Alpha