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March 2017

Couple of new articles:

  • We think there are many reasons why Italian bond yields are likely to go higher, like eurozone tensions, a rising yield global environment, ECB tapering, political uncertainty, etc.
  • Unfortunately, for US-based investors, the pickings are basically very slim.
  • One has to have access to European markets, where there is only one ETF listed.
  • There are more exotic, derivative products called Turbos or Sprinters which are well designed for this situation, but again, only in Europe, unfortunately.

The Coming Italian Bond Explosion - Vanguard FTSE Europe ETF (NYSEARCA:VGK) | Seeking Alpha

  • Can Trump significantly lift the growth of the US economy?
  • Trump's reflationary efforts are likely to run into supply constraints, given by a tight labor market, low productivity growth and a low growth of the labor force.
  • His supply policies aren't likely to relieve these constraints anytime soon.
  • Nevertheless, by running demand consistently higher than potential output growth, 'stressing the system,' higher growth might still be in the cards.

Demand Trumps Supply | Seeking Alpha


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