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Holiday Season 2017

Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Holiday Season - - - Except for Michael "The Rock" Hession and Dotard in Chief tRumpf (2 syllables, rhymes with Adolf) Twittler   ...  May they both lose their entire wealth in 2018.

Drivel Maven with Personality


Hello Stavros, indeed I wish you and everybody a happy Christmas and all the best for 2018 and I haven't forgotten how these guys stole our company either.



'admin' pid='81459' datel Wrote:

Hello Stavros, indeed I wish you and everybody a happy Christmas and all the best for 2018 and I haven't forgotten how these guys stole our company either.

Admin- Good am to you ! I also wish Stavros and all a merry Christmas and a great New Year.( ...however, my " all " does not include the master con artist MH ) . I try to be a good person, but I just can't forgive  that jerk for his actions .I suppose it is justifiable to call him a 'master' thief .

Thanks for your help over the years .


Yes happy holidays and hope the cash received from IOC was invested wisely and did tremendous this year.


Merry Christmas from Seattle. 
I hope y'all have a better year in 2018.


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