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Sanchez Energy

We are looking to get some added exposure to the US market due to our portfolio being overweight international.Being in Texas I'm quite familiar with many of the areas Sanchez is drilling and their financials look great. They have no debt and their largest fields are a 50/50 WI with Marathon. I've come to greatly respect many of your opinions through your input on IOC and would enjoy getting some takes on Sanchez Energy or if you have any other companies to suggest feel free. Thanks


Thanks Tx, I'll have a look, or alternatively, you could do a little write-up, perhaps. Nothing to fancy, just something to peak our interest.

Will do. Let me put my thoughts together & I'll post later tomorrow


Well, 10 seconds of DD (really) reveals it's about to embark on a great leap forward. Earnings are expected to rise from 44 cents to $1.66(!) and revenues from $62M to $201M from this year to the next. Looks like you might be onto something here, Tx

About the Eagle Fort shale:

["This area is unique in it its capacity to produce more of both gas and oil than other shale areas, and is also distinct in its percentage of carbonate making it a more brittle environment and thus an excellent candidate for fracing."]

Carbonate, where have I heard that term before.. haha

Useful corporate presentation for intro..

Here a useful post about the Eagle Ford by Michael Filloon (Despite the Gefvarts of this world, SA does have it's uses..)


Sanchez? Is that what people from Jersey bring to the shore to sit in?:0

If you are an employee of the company and have spent a long day in the oilfield, would you then be called a "Dirty Sanchez"? To get the joke you must know urban slang.
L Ron Rules!

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