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How to Create a Poll or Change your Password

My friends,

Below are the steps that you can follow to create your own poll:

  1. Navigate to the Interoil forum (or any forum)
  2. Click the New Thread button in the top right corner (just like you would to post a new topic)
    1. Enter the subject and message as normal.
    2. Scroll to the bottom and check the "I want to post a poll" checkbox
      1. Enter in the number of options you would like to show (this can be changed later)
    3. Click Post Thread
      1. You will be taken to another page where you can enter in the poll choices
      2. Enter in the poll details
      3. Click Post New Poll
  3. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.




it is good practice to regularly change your password and ShareholdersUnite would highly recommend that you do so.  To change your password:

  • Click the User CP link at the top, middle right of the page.
  • Click the Change Password link in the left hand column halfway down the page.
  • Enter your old password and then your new password twice.
    • Passwords should be at least 8 characters in length
    • Passwords should contain at least one upper and lower case
    • Passwords should contain a numeric or special character
    • For example:  G00dP&ssword
  • Click Update Password

SHU Admin


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