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OLD Shareholdersunite Stocks + Scorecard


Some (NQ, IOC, DSNY) have their own forum, others are featured below. Here are the SHU stock tips from Seeking Alpha. You'll see the date of recommendation, the price at which the recommendation was made, and a link to the article(s). A few duds (OCZ, STP), but not doing that bad overall...

InterOil IOC

BroadVision BVSN

InvenSense INVN

Ellie Mae ELLI

Universal Display Corporation OLED

Nokia NOK

Trina Solar TSL

ChipMos IMOS

ASM Litography ASML

Asure ASUR

Qualcomm QCOM

Suntech STP



Zynga ZNGA

Destiny Media DSNY

Green Dot GDOT

SunPower SPWR

NQ Mobile NQ

22nd Century Group XXII

  • July 23 2013
  • $1.09
  • First one without our own article
  • Good intro is available here



The score at the end of Jun 17 2013

1 IOC 2008 May 5 $25.75 $75.44 +192.97%
2 BVSN (Short) 2012 May 3 $50.73 $9.0 +82.26%
3 INVN May 14 $11.88 $14.61 +22.98%
4 ELLI May 21 $15.08 $24.49 +62.40%
5 PANL May 30 $27.09 $27.17 +0.30%
6 NOK Jun 6 $2.75 $3.69 +34.18%
7 TSL Jun 7 $6.31 $6.23 -1.27%
8 IMOS Jun 27 $9.6 $18.66 +96.46%
9 ASML Jul 9 $48.46 $79.27 +63.58%
10 ASUR Jul 11 $6.18 $5.84 -5.50%
11 QCOM Jul 13 $54.98 $62.07 +12.90%
12 STP Jul 19 $1.72 $1.00 -41.86%
13 OCZ Jul 23 $5.61 $1.43 -74.51%
14 CTRP Jul 27 $13.69 $34.89 +154.86%
15 ZNGA Aug 6 $2.8 $2.87 +2.50%
16 DSNY Aug 22 $0.82 $1.15 +40.24%
17 GDOT Sept 17 $13 $19.21 +47.77%
18 SPWR Sep 29 $4.4 $19.21 +336.59%
19 NQ 2013 April 15 $8.30 $8.02 -3.37%



There are two big negative performers here (in an otherwise fairly satisfying list):

  • Suntec (STP)
  • OCZ Technology (OCZ)

Both of these companies ran into accounting "problems." It turned out that their financial position was considerably worse than they led investors belief at the time. This is very unfortunate, but very hard to avoid entirely, unless you are a forensic accountant willing to do very deep due dilligence. Suntech we basically chose because we saw room for cost cutting, and a ramp-up in China (and Japan) for solar panels, but we presented this as a possible turn-around story, indicating a degree of uncertainty here.

OCZ we chose as the leader of solid state drives (SSD's) and the ongoing shift from spinning (magnetic) hard disks towards SSD's. Although both Suntech and OCZ produce near commodity like products, but we had some hope that with the take-over of Indilinx OCZ would enjoy at least a modicum of pricing power and lessen their dependence on Sandforce (both Indilinx and Sandforce make controller chips for SSD's). We also thought there was a good chance for one of the hard-disk giants to wage a take-over of OCZ (and indeed, rumors were rife at the time of writing the article that Seagate was interested in doing just that.

STP's finances were already very precarious (which we did report), the margins for error were very slim indeed. Accounting troubles and the unexpected parting of the founder and CEO was too much.

Well, investing is about the future, and nasty surprises cannot be excluded, which is the main rationale  for diversification. Overall, our recomendations have done reasonably well, we think.



This is all interesting, but what you want to know, no doubt is which ones will perform from here. Well:

Strong buy

  • NQ Mobile (NQ) $8.35, price target 12 months: $17
  • InterOil (IOC) $70.40. price target 12 months: $120
  • InvenSense (INVN) $14.50, price target 12 months: $22
  • Destiny Media (DSNY) $1.24, price target 12 months: $2

Of course, if markets behave badly, these targets might not materialize. We're fairly sure about the first three (NQ, IOC, INVN), DSNY is more speculative, but on the other hand, it has more potential to yield more upside as well. A couple of orders for Clipstream G2 could take DSNY well beyond $2 a share. On the other hand, they have yet to close their first commercial contract for G2, but we think this is a matter of time.

IOC also has potentially much more upside (depending on impending deal metrics, exploration and appraisal success, possible take-over bids), but the visibility on these is a little limited still at this moment.

INVN is winning more and more clients (Apple is a strong possibility, we're fairly sure of that), we were already optimistic about this company for a year, but this optimism is increasing due to their technology leadership, growing market and more applications (motion stabilization for camera's could very well provide more traction).



Well, we recommended shares of ChipMos (IMOS) almost exactly a year ago at $9.6 and this morning they're at $20 for a comfortable double..



The score at the end of Jun 17 2013

Ticker Year Date Initiating poisition at June17 2013 Return July 13 2013 Return
1 IOC 2008 May 5 $25.75 $75.44 +192.97% $75.15 +191.84%
2 BVSN (Short) 2012 May 3 $50.73 $9.0 +82.26% $8.58 +83.09
3 INVN May 14 $11.88 $14.61 +22.98% $16.01 +34.76%
4 ELLI May 21 $15.08 $24.49 +62.40% $24.74 +64.06%
5 OLED May 30 $27.09 $27.17 +0.30% $28.51 +5.24%
6 NOK Jun 6 $2.75 $3.69 +34.18% $4.15 +50.91%
7 TSL Jun 7 $6.31 $6.23 -1.27% $6.87 +8.87%
8 IMOS Jun 27 $9.6 $18.66 +96.46% $18.91 +96.98%
9 ASML Jul 9 $48.46 $79.27 +63.58% $87.15 +79.84%
10 ASUR Jul 11 $6.18 $5.84 -5.50% $5.74 -7.07%
11 QCOM Jul 13 $54.98 $62.07 +12.90% $62.02 +12.80%
12 STP Jul 19 $1.72 $1.00 -41.86% $1.15 -32.85%
13 OCZ Jul 23 $5.61 $1.43 -74.51% $1.65 -70.59%
14 CTRP Jul 27 $13.69 $34.89 +154.86% $33.63 +145.65%
15 ZNGA Aug 6 $2.8 $2.87 +2.50% $3.50 +25%
16 DSNY Aug 22 $0.82 $1.15 +40.24% $1.33 +59.75%
17 GDOT Sept 17 $13 $19.21 +47.77% $19.87 +52.85%
18 SPWR Sep 29 $4.4 $19.21 +336.59% $25.95 +489.77%
19 NQ 2013 April 15 $8.30 $8.02 -3.37% $9.58 +15.42%
20 XXII 2013 July 23 $1.09
  • As one can see, in the four weeks between June 17 and July 13, the portfolio performance improved significantly.
  • Since we're no longer advice to short BVSN, there will be no updates in that ticker.
  • The two big positive standouts are SPWR, which rose almost 500% in 10 months, and C-trip, up 145% in just under a year. IOC strongly came back, but performance is skewed as this had much longer to run.

We're advising a long position in XXII at $1.09. We would have written a SA article to introduce the company (22nd Century Group), but such an introduction article already exists. There are multiple reasons why these shares will likely rise from here over the medium term


XXII is already off to a raving start today, we forgot to provide a link to the introductory article. You'll see that there is really plenty of upside potential here, compared to which the risk of complete non-adoption (or a tobacco company coming up with a better alternative soon) seems to be rather modest.



Well, not even three full trading days later and XXII is already at $1.40, that's a 28% return...



We have five top picks (DSNY, NQ, IOC, INVN, XXII). The fourth of our top picks, INVN put out pretty decent figures after the close yesterday, the result is a bit of a buying wave:

We recommended it when it was under $12, it seems now poised to get to $20..


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