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OLD Shareholdersunite Stocks + Scorecard

The score at the end of Aug 2 2013

Ticker Year Date Initiating poisition at Aug 2 2013 Return
1 IOC 2008 May 5 $25.75 $82.82 +221.63%
2 BVSN (Short) 2012 May 3 $50.73 $9.23 +81.81%
3 INVN May 14 $11.88 $17.16 +44.44%
4 ELLI May 21 $15.08 $28.00 +85.68%
5 OLED May 30 $27.09 $28.52 +5.28%
6 NOK Jun 6 $2.75 $3.98 +44.73%
7 TSL Jun 7 $6.31 $7.32 +16.01%
8 IMOS Jun 27 $9.6 $16.23 +69.06%
9 ASML Jul 9 $48.46 $91.93 +89.70%
10 ASUR Jul 11 $6.18 $5.65 -8.58%
11 QCOM Jul 13 $54.98 $66.75 +21.41%
12 STP Jul 19 $1.72 $1.37 -20.35%
13 OCZ Jul 23 $5.61 $1.76 -68.63%
14 CTRP Jul 27 $13.69 $43.30 +216.29%
15 ZNGA Aug 6 $2.8 $3.00 +7.14%
16 DSNY Aug 22 $0.82 $2.05 +150.00%
17 GDOT Sept 17 $13 $23.59 +81.46%
18 SPWR Sep 29 $4.4 $23.90 +442.18%
19 NQ 2013 April 15 $8.30 $15.91 +91.69%
20 XXII 2013 July 23 $1.09 $1.62 +48.62%
  • As one can see comparing this table with the previous one above, there were a few notable improvements in the portfolio (ELLI, CTRP, DSNY, GDOT, NQ, and XXII), although Nokia and Zynga both took a hit.
  • Since we're no longer advice to short BVSN, there will be no updates in that ticker.
  • The two big positive standouts are SPWR, which rose almost 450% in 10 months, and C-trip, up 216% in just under a year are now joined by DSNY (+150%) and NQ (+91%). IOC strongly came back, but performance is skewed as this had much longer to run.
  • Our two 2013 picks are performing very well, up 91% and 48% already.


The score at the end of September 2013

Ticker Year Date Initiating poisition at Aug 2 2013 Sep 28 2013 Return
1 IOC 2008 May 5 $25.75 $82.82 $72.50 +181.55%
2 BVSN (Short) 2012 May 3 $50.73 $9.23 +81.81%
3 INVN May 14 $11.88 $17.16 $17.96 +51.18%
4 ELLI May 21 $15.08 $28.00 $30.63 +103.12%
5 OLED May 30 $27.09 $28.52 $31.92 +17.83%
6 NOK Jun 6 $2.75 $3.98 $6.66 +142.18%
7 TSL Jun 7 $6.31 $7.32 $14.83 +135.02%
8 IMOS Jun 27 $9.6 $16.23 $18.03 +87.81%
9 ASML Jul 9 $48.46 $91.93 $98.45 +103.16%
10 ASUR Jul 11 $6.18 $5.65 $4.35 -29.61%
11 QCOM Jul 13 $54.98 $66.75 $67.38 +22.55%
12 STP Jul 19 $1.72 $1.37 $1.35 -21.51%
13 OCZ Jul 23 $5.61 $1.76 $1.35 -75.94%
14 CTRP Jul 27 $13.69 $43.30 $56.92 +315.78%
15 ZNGA Aug 6 $2.8 $3.00 $3.78 +35.00%
16 DSNY Aug 22 $0.82 $2.05 $2.16 +163.41%
17 GDOT Sept 17 $13 $23.59 $26.42 +103.23%
18 SPWR Sep 29 $4.4 $23.90 $26.17 +494.66%
19 NQ 2013 April 15 $8.30 $15.91 $22.45 +170.48%
20 XXII 2013 July 23 $1.09 $1.62 $1.20 +10.1%
  • The only short, BSVN is discontinued
  • We now have a stunning 10 out of 19 stocks that at least doubled. SPWR six-folded, CTRP four-foulded, NQ and IOC almost tripled.
  • September 2013 was very good for TSL, NQ and Nokia, while CTRP continued its relentless march upwards.
  • Two of the three bad performers (STP and OCZ) suffered from accounting "issues" after our recommendation.


Hi Admin, are you planning to update the sorecard table soon? I like your work.


Yea, thanks Captain Mac, I'm a little lazy with this I have to admit. It's not going to badly, some healthy retrenchment in the solars (although not from the prices in the last table from Sept, as they ran up further at the last months of last year), which was more or less expected (they had massive run ups) but that will provide a platform for another leg up, I feel. The Chinese stocks (CTRP, NQ) also had big pullbacks. NQ almost certainly unjustified, CTRP we acknowledged the possibility of competition in our last article. XXII has doubled since.

I'll make another table some time soon.

This has gotten too unwieldy as there are stocks on the list we're no longer following, a couple that delisted, we'll start afresh in a new model portfolio thread

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