InterOil from the boards, April 22

More collective wisdom..

  1. The price of power (Den again)
  2. The price of power (national security comes at a price..)
  3. Re: The price of power (a Den follow-up)
  4. A short summary of the presentation
  5. A pre-emptive strike on the ‘forensic accounting exercise’
  6. A preliminary inquiry into those ‘forensic accountants’
  7. Remember when
  8. Combined OilSearch InterOil pipeline cheaper?

Some comments from us:

  • 1,2, and 3 are about the geo-political situation in Asia benefiting InterOil
  • 4 is a very short summary of Monday’s presentation of Phil and Wayne in New York
  • 5 and 6 are about some of the people attacking the company
  • 7 is nice nostalgia
  • 8 shows the synergies between the two LNG projects might be less than one would think at first hand.