Goldman Sachs turns an eye to InterOil…
- From the Postcourier (PNG newspaper)
- Ken hears things
- From Aldorf at the MS call
- China gets involved with Petromin and is rumored to bid for part of Elk/Antelope
- Or even buyout?
- Peak-oil article
- The new rig
- If you need a booster
- The real on the refinery
- Why IOC’s LNG plant is so cheap
- Newest filing: Goldman Sachs owns 3.2M shares in InterOil
Did GS just purchase 3.2 Mill shares yesterday @ 60-67 per share (2-12-10) .Is this why the stock jumped with no apparent news being released? just needed some clarification… IF so i would be sick to my stomach over the weekend if i were a “SHORT” especially with the markets closed on Monday…you better buy buy buy before this stock changes OVERNIGHT!!! Thanks to all the longs who stuck it out over the past couple of weeks, we will be rewarded for our patience.
No this did not happen yesterday it happened in q4 2009
Chine will be a player in IOC just not 100% sure to what degree. Strategic might be Japanese also. Those 2 will at least have off take agreements.Appears petronet from India will also be a player. Those 3 for the offtake . My bets guess. Today anyway..