Doing very well. ALL charts (perhaps bar one) held!
Ticker Purch Last gain/loss
1.VECO 31.5 34.35 +9.05%
2. FCN 34,8 33.37 +4.11%
3.PNRG 18.99 19.03 +0.21%
4.MWV 22.0 21.83 -0.77%
5.OMI 27.55 26.68 +3.16%
6.SINA 42.2 42.67 +1.11%
7.KITD 9.49 8.71 +8.22%
8.HSY 47.12 47.09 +0.06%
9.URBN 33.41 31.05 +7.06%
10.LINE 29.5 28.82 +2.31%
11.SOL 7.8 8.35 -7.05%
12.VPRT 29.0 30.66 +5.72%
13.COCO 4.5 4.8 +6.67%
14.AHD 8.2 7.94 -3.17%
15.SYMC 13.68 13.97 -2.12%
16.BKC 17.27 17.21 +0.35%
17.TOL 17.12 17.35 -1.34%
- Only SOL and AHD are rather substantial losses.
- SOL has multiple top at just over $8 so with a little fantasy, that hasn’t been broken
- AHD has strong multi-year support at $7.6 so that hasn’t been broken
- The small losses in shorts SYMC and TOL after just one (strong up) day mean little