- Sales are growing at a 50%+ pace quarter over quarter; we’re looking at a ground floor opportunity in 3D printing of electronics.
- Management projects sales at 100%+ annually for the next couple of years and recurring revenues of inks are rapidly ramping.
- The company has a very attractive razor and blades business model and is the market leader in an emerging growth market.
- The addressable market is much larger than we thought; it’s not just prototyping, customers already use them for small batch production.
- The company needs cash, but in the bigger picture we think this will be a tiny blip as the market cap is just $36M and cash bleed will decline fairly rapidly with opex constant at $4M a quarter.
Source: SHU Portfolio; Nano Dimension’s Growth Is Exploding – Nano Dimension Ltd ADR (NASDAQ:NNDM) | Seeking Alpha