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The Bedford Report

Mail this morning (Jun 25). They're not saying what the new pick is, but let's look at these previous ones.

New Featured Company


Did you miss us? Guaranteed you did! After delivering countless winners to your inbox we are proud to announce our new winning pick is here. That’s right members, the most reliable source for small-cap coverage is back again and this time we are unleashing what could be our best pick ever! Our new featured company is set to soar higher than…

  • ECAU – We profiled Echo Automotive at 0.80 this past January 2013. Within less than a month the share price sky rocketed to 3.61, resulting in a potential short-term gain of over 450 percent!
  • STVF – We alerted all members of STVF at 0.75 and the share price vaulted to 3.28 in less than a month. Members who took advantage of this alert would have returned over 400 percent to their portfolio within less than 30 days.
  • STEV – Do not forget this winner! STEV was a massive success when the share price climbed from 0.70 to 2.75 over a month of trading. Once again, members were able to potentially pocket a 375 percent return in the short-term.

Did you make money on these previous featured companies?

Here is quick math for you to look at. If you had followed the above 3 featured companies at the time we introduced them, you would be looking at staggering compounded profit potential for your portfolio: 10,000 dollars invested in STEV could have resulted in a cool 37,500. Had those potential profits been rolled into STVF, members could have potentially capitalized to the tune of 150,000. And here is the best part… Had members continued to follow our featured companies 150,000 could have ballooned to a potential 675,000 after ECAU!

10,000 to 675,000 on 3 winning picks? Numbers do not lie and neither do our results!

And now it’s time! Time to introduce you to this summer’s biggest potential winner! Time to introduce you to a company that could revolutionize its industry! Time to offer you another chance at massive profit potential!

Members, here we are once again at the beginning of a new chapter. And we hope by now that you understand the special situation you are in by being a member of our newsletter. There is not another newsletter, membership, or trading consultant that could have shown you the potential gains we have over the past 2 years. Ask your friends, colleagues, or brokers. We can all but guarantee they would shake their heads in awe at the potential returns you have seen as a member to our newsletter.

Standby folks! Our new selection is set to hit your inbox very soon. Keep a close watch in the coming days for our new alert on what is shaping up to be the hottest summer in recent history. We cannot stress this opportunity enough. Winner after winner after winner… and now it’s time for the next.


The Bedford Team



Here is ECAU, the chart tells a 1000 words, not all of these are nice ones..

Quote & Headlines Market Currents StockTalk
ecau chart

This is a classic pump and dump chart..



STVF hasn't done equally well, but not equally bad afterwards either:

Quote & Headlines Market Currents StockTalk
stvf chart



For Stevia corp (STEV), we had to go back a little further, but the chart doesn't paint a nice picture..

Quote & Headlines Market Currents StockTalk
stev chart

Quote & Headlines Market Currents StockTalk
stev chart


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