Message to Amsterdam
Genius at work..
Genius at work..
Some fun and games..
Almost single-handedly lifted a sport from obscurity into the tv hit of the 1980s, adored by all (apart from those who actually knew him personally), banned from more hotel rooms […]
Some fun and games..
Outside one of it’s main bookshops women gathered in short skirts in an original flash mob in honour of a writer (Martin Bril) who died at 49 last year.
The market has been good the last year, on what to spend all those winnings?
Despite all the unlevelling of the playing field through commerce, which has created a near oligopoly in European football, the game still produces thrilling nights in the Barça- Arsenal match […]
English football used to be a guarantee for spectacle, although not always technically and tactically at the forefront, at least it had huge entertainment value. Bar a few exceptions, this […]
A virtual one, that is, because virtual golf is the next big thing. Apart from that, the company behind it seems to offer an interesting opportunity.
A couple of months ago, we wrote a story about the sorry state of European Football, totally dominated by money producing several accumulating effects in which the big clubs in […]