
Remarkable indeed..

  1. Stuart Staniford has taken a look at a study of the effects of shale-gas extraction on drinking water recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The scatter diagram below summarizes 60 drinking water wells in Pennsylvania, with distance from a natural gas well on the horizontal axis and methane concentration in the water on the vertical axis. All of the water wells with concentrations above 28 milligrams of methane per liter of water were within one kilometer of active drilling. A dissolved methane concentration greater than 28 mg/L indicates that potentially explosive or flammable quantities of the gas are being liberated in the well and/or may be liberated in confined areas of the home.
  2. Now for the real retina display on your 10.1 inch tablet display: a 2560×1600 resolution (which actually saves energy)!
  3. Caught by a breadroll..
  4. House prices are actually rising in the US!
  5. He fell in love with his first wife because she was sincere and eager to please. His second wife, a cousin, was irresistible because she did everything he wished and nothing he didn’t. “That alone made me love her.”His third wife won him because she submitted to his every request. “I saw her, I liked her. I went to her parents and asked for her hand in marriage.” Wife No. 4 was very obedient. So was wife No. 5. Wife No. 6, the same. As were wives 7 and 8 and 9 and … Well, by then — it was the late 1980s — things had taken off for Bello Maasaba, an Islamic faith healer in this city in Niger state. He went from a wedding every few months to one every few weeks. All told, the 87-year-old has married 107 women…
  6. Beef production accounts for 1.3 percent of calories consumed by the global human population, but cattle occupy 60 percent of the agricultural land. It takes 31.5 kilowatt hours and 2,500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat. Grain for human consumption takes less than a kilowatt-hour and 25 gallons, according to various estimates.
  7. They claim [press release] to have developed a device that can capture 90 percent of sunlight, versus the 20 percent that current photovoltaic (PV) panels capture.
  8. Why working harder doesn’t work
  9. Biggest Investment Boom in Two Decades Spurs 4% Global Growth
  10. Just tell the government to back off and all will be fine.

One thought on “Remarkable”

  1. Editor The girl who wrote the article saying IOC has mou with 2 offtakers is Rachael Meredith @ Please interview her. She has a London address. Thanks

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