Apple, Google, now Microsoft, who is going to win, and who will be the losers?
Below Microsoft’s Surface; Winners And Losers In The Tablet Wars
July 3, 2012 | 8 comments | about: MSFT, includes: AAPL, AKCPF.PK, AMZN, DELL, GOOG, RIMM
Now that tablets are eating into the PC market, it’s no wonder that a veritable land grab has started in the latter. First Apple Inc. (AAPL), then the Android tablets by the likes of Samsung (SSNLF.PK), Dell Inc. (DELL), Toshiba Tec Corporat (TSHTF.PK) and others, then, Inc. (AMZN), followed by Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) and now Google Inc. (GOOG), apart from producing the Android software, is taking a swing at the hardware. And we’re not even counting Research In Motion Limited (RIMM), which had an early entry with the playbook, or Motorola’s Xoom tablet (now part of Google).
Why tablets
Simple really. Apple finally made the concept work. Tablets are mobile entertainment devices, which Apple finally made desirable enough for the market to launch, adding its signature design, seamless working software, and unprecedented retina display to boot in the latest version.
Here is Jason Hiner from techrepublic:
For tens of millions of people, using a tablet like the iPad is infinitely easier and less frustrating than dealing with a Windows laptop. That’s why tablets are eating the bottom out of the PC market, and the trend is accelerating
To read more:
Below Microsoft’s Surface; Winners And Losers In The Tablet Wars – Seeking Alpha