Links for 3/13. The best stories in economics, energy, investing and other remarkable news. How Europe’s accounting rules are destroying its banks, British banks may have 30B pouns more in losses, medicaid spending is falling, and the dangers of high frequency trading, amongst other stories..
Europe’s Accounting Rules Are Destroying Its Banks – Bloomberg
Seventeen magazine pushing sex as a drug to 12-year-olds | Fox News
Evgeny Morozov’s “To Save Everything, Click Here” | Whimsley
If You Own Sandridge Energy’s (NYSE: SD), Then It’s Time to Sell NOW | StreetAuthority
BBC – Future – Technology – The mask that maps pollution across the city
BBC – Future – Technology – Why the world’s most enduring designs always evolve
British banks may have £30bn hidden losses – Telegraph
Germany’s anti-euro party is a nasty shock for Angela Merkel – Telegraph
Yes, Virginia, HFT and Liquidity are Not All They Are Cracked Up to Be « naked capitalism