Remarkable indeed..
- Having reached 103 in a break, he asked the referee, John Williams, to move. Williams refused to do so, pointing out that he was not in the line of sight. “You’re in my line of thought, though,” protested Higgins, who proceeded nevertheless to clear the colours for a break of 137, sobbing loudly as he did so…
- Sex and coffee ‘trigger stroke’
- In an observational study conducted at Rush University Medical Center in
Chicago, Dr. Martha Clare Morris, associate professor of internal
medicine, found that people who ate fish once a week had a 60 percent
reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s compared with people who never ate
fish. Eating fish more than once a week did not appear to provide
additional benefits. - Revenge of the sluts..
- Here comes a stunner out of Iraq which has just slashed its 2017 oil
production estimate from 12 million barrels to just 6.5-7 million bbpd - Invasion of the aliens..
- US tax burden at lowest level since 1958..
- The ultimate musical experience, what’ll they think of next..
- Climate Change Stunts Growth of Global Crop Yields
- Talk to your phone to charge it..