More stuff..
- Looking back to December 2009 when the XOM Off Take Agreements were
negotiated, the price of Oil was about US$ 75 per barrel. Conservatively
that equated to LNG price = (0.148 x US$75/bbl) + 20 cents/Million Btu
or US$11.10 + US$0.20 = US$11.30 per Million Btu. - They only discuss the seismic acquired in the 1st Qtr in PPL 236. They do not mention Bwata. Does this mean they think they have found 3 to 4 reefs in the PPL 236 area? Whale, Tuna, Barracuda, Wahoo, Mako and Shark?
- They state that their seismics show the Papuan Basin extending all the way down into their license area and that they show several reef structures similar to Elk/Ant in shape. If that’s the case, IOC having several in 236 would make sense and show the “string of pearls” to be even larger.
- It is Newport Energy, not Horizon, and they have PPL 326. On slide 9 they show Elk/Ant reef on an inset then a couple of structures in 326 they feel resemble Elk/Ant. If so, this lends credence to possibility of IOC seeing 3-4 reefs in 236.
- JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation will continue to contribute in promoting further utilization of environmentally-friendly natural gas and LNG, and also undertake regional development initiatives.”
- If there was no restart by then of the plants which are currently shut, that would mean only 27 percent of Japan’s total nuclear power generation capacity will be in operation. Nuclear power at usual times supplies about 30 percent of electricity in Japan.
- Japan Quake May Mean Extra 12 Million Tons of LNG, Arctic Says
- Japan to Cancel Plan to Build More Nuclear Plants
- Matt Badiali’s update
- If there is another reservoir below the Puri/Mendi limestone it will be completely separate from the Antelope Field and will have an oil/water or gas/water contact that is much lower than the gas/water contact identified at Antelope-2. If oil or gas is present in the Pale/Subu sandstones below the Antelope Field it will not have low reservoir pressure. The pressure at 12,000 feet will be a minimum of 5,500 psi.
- Building infrastructure for 11M tons..
- A little less than 90 days per hole
- Mr. Conrad Kerr..